The Secure Electronic Network for Travelers Rapid Inspection (SENTRI) is a U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) program that allows expedited clearance for pre-approved, low-risk travelers upon arrival in the United States. Participants may enter the United States by using dedicated primary lanes into the United States at Southern land border ports.
Travelers must be pre-approved for the SENTRI program. All applicants undergo a rigorous background check and in-person interview before enrollment
Why You Should Join
Membership in the SENTRI program allows you to reduce your wait times at designated ports of entry by:
using dedicated processing lanes at southern land border crossings,
using NEXUS land when entering the United States from Canada by land, and
using Global Entry kioks when entering the United States.*
*Note: If you are a Mexican national in SENTRI, you must apply for Global Entry through your Global Online Enrollment System (GOES) account.
$122.25 for Five (5) Years
You can visit www.cbp.gov for more information on Sentri Program